:help :redir
'<,'>v/^|[^|]\+\%27v|/ s/\(^|[^|]\+\)|/\1 |/
To repeat this command numerous times, record executing it as a macro, then use normal macro repetition.
The break down is below, but the gist is that we find lines of text which don't have a “|” in the column we want, and then use a substition to grab the text before the second “|” and add a space between them, hence pushing the “|” one column to the right. You then repeat this command until no substitions take place.
'<,'> From mark "<" to mark ">" execute the following command v/ --- / Check each line against Regular Expression "---", if it **doesn't** match do the following commands ^|[^|]\+\%27v| Match a vertical bar, followed by 1-or-more "not vertical bar" characters ( [^|]\+ ), followed by an assertion at we're in visual column 27 ( \%27v ), followed by a vertical bar s/ --- / ### / Substitute text matching RegExp "---" with text in "###" \(^|[^|]\+\)| (Match) Capture between \( and \) a vertical bar followed by 1 or more not-vertical-bars. This capture should be immediately followed by a vertical bar \1 | (Replacement) Put our first captured group back, followed by a space, followed by a vertical bar.
To use: source this into Vim (“:source <filename>”), and then invoke AlignTable() over the range of the table. EG Visually select table and then “'<,'>call AlignTable()”
" Align a single ASCII-art table column " tcol: Which column of the table to align (i.e. first column = 1, second = 2 etc) " vcol: Align table column to which virtual/visual column on the screen? function! AlignTableColumn ( tcol, vcol ) range let i = a:vcol - a:tcol " Worst case while i " Edge one screen column closer to desired location execute 'silent! ' . a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'v/^\(\(|[^|]*\)\{' . a:tcol . '}\)\%' . a:vcol . 'v|/ s/^\(\(|[^|]*\)\{' . a:tcol . '}\)|/\1 |/' let i -= 1 endwhile endfunction " Align a whole ASCII-art table " Tables are expected to be drawn using "|" characters, including the header " " Usage: Invoke this function with the range of lines the table occupies, " including the header - which will be used as the "desired column location" " " TODO: Tally the maximum width for each column by scanning all rows, and use " these values to calculate new column boundry locations function! AlignTable() range let header = getline(a:firstline) let bars = 0 let i = 0 " Count number of "|"s while i < strlen(header) if header[i] == '|' let bars += 1 endif let i += 1 endwhile unlet i unlet header " Now get column widths for each row, keeping the maximum in colwidth let colwidth = [] let i = bars " Init list of correct length while i let colwidth += [0] let i -= 1 endwhile unlet i let i = a:firstline while i <= a:lastline let row = getline(i) let curbar = 0 let pos = 0 let poslist = [] while curbar < bars let pos = match(row, '|', pos) let poslist += [pos] let pos += 1 " Move past current match, ready for next if len(poslist) > 1 if colwidth[curbar] < ( poslist[curbar] - poslist[(curbar-1)] ) let colwidth[curbar] = ( poslist[curbar] - poslist[(curbar-1)] ) endif endif let curbar += 1 endwhile let i += 1 endwhile let poslist = [ match(getline(a:firstline), '|') ] call remove(colwidth, 0) " Strip first column (always width 0) for width in colwidth let poslist += [ (poslist[(len(poslist)-1)] + width) ] endfor " NB There is one more bar than there are cols, and we ignore the first " bar let i = 1 call remove(poslist, 0) for vcol in poslist " Note that every bar must be moved at least once to avoid bugs, hence " the (vcol+1) below execute (a:firstline).",".a:lastline."call AlignTableColumn(".i.", ".(vcol+1).")" let i += 1 endfor endfunction
Adapted from XML Folding : Folds XML / HTML Tags, CDATA and comments, by Thadeu Aparecido Coelho de Paula.
" Basic vim commands for folding definition syn sync fromstart set foldmethod=syntax " ┌ Up to end-of-tag " Name of tag ╗ │ ┌ End-of-tag not preceeded by "/" "External capture ("\z1" in end= param) ┐ ║ │ │ ┌ End-of-tag " Normal capture ("\1")═╦════╪═╬════╗ │ │ │ ┌ End-of-match " Forbidden first chars ┐ ║ ┌──┴─╫──┐ ║ │ │ │ │ ┌ Assert that a matching closing tag occurs later " Start of tag ┐┌──┴───┐║ │ ╔═╩╗ │ ║┌┴────┐┌┴──┐│┌┴┐┌┴──────┐ syn region XMLFold start=#<[/?!]\@!\(\z(\S\+\)\)\_[^>]*/\@<!>\ze\_.*</\1># end=#</\z1># fold transparent keepend extend " └───┬┘ " Closing tag of same name ┘ syn match XMLCData "<!\[CDATA\[\_.\{-}\]\]>" fold transparent extend syn match XMLCommentFold "<!--\_.\{-}-->" fold transparent extend " Label shown for folded lines set foldtext=XMLFoldLabel() fun! XMLFoldLabel() let getcontent = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), "^[[:space:]]*", "", 'g') let linestart = substitute(v:folddashes, ".", '»', 'g') return linestart . " " . getcontent endfunction
(The line drawings were made with the excellent BoxDraw vim plugin by Andrew Nikitin.)
When under Cygwin, 'ifsname
' is set to the Unix default, which means that paths such as dir\to\file
are broken up into sections when you try to <C-w><C-f> or gf
to them.
You can fix this with:
set isfname=@,48-57,/,\\,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,{,},[,],:,@-@,!,~,=
The default pop-up menu colour for auto-complete (e.g. ^X^O
) is grey-on-pink, which is hard to read. So I added the following to my desert256 colour scheme:
" ~/.vim/colors/desert256.vim "Pmenu call <SID>X("Pmenu", "ffffff", "cc00cc", "") call <SID>X("PmenuSel", "ffffff", "990044", "") call <SID>X("PmenuSbar", "ffffff", "550077", "") call <SID>X("PmenuThumb", "ffffff", "440088", "")
See also this post and :help Pmenu
Here's how it looks:
I really like the function summary in the lower pane, and all this for a Python module I wrote myself! I'm amazed that vim can work out the type of jobtags
and then parse the classes help!